Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Random Thoughts: Kutlass/Newsboys Edition

Recently, Anne and I went with some friends to see Kutlass and Newsboys in concert together, along with a third opening band whose name I have no desire to actually look up. I decided to do a random thoughts on the concert. I hope you enjoy.

  • You know, I don't mind paying for parking when I'm able to get tickets for free. Have I mentioned that I like my employer?
  • "Everybody remember where we parked."
  • We find our seats and our group immediately segregates themselves by male and female. Welcome to the 21st century. You gotta love progress.
  • The opening act is...interesting. Dude at the keyboard does a little "human beatbox" thing before doing a "power organ" thing. So, it seems like their musical influences are mid-'80s rap and ELO.
  • And B.B. King.
  • And Boxcar Willie.
  • Kutlass was awesome!
  • The guitarist for Kutlass likes doing this thing where he flips his guitar completely around his body by the strap. Kinda cool.
  • I can just picture him practicing and someone comes up behind him, "Hey, dude, how's it..." *smack!* "..OW!"
  • When did Billy Corgan become the lead singer of Newsboys?
  • And when did he pick up the Australian accent?
  • Thrumming bass? Check. Obnoxiously-bright light show? Check. Unable to discern any of the different parts of the music? Check. It's definitely a rock concert.
  • I'm not sure why, but hearing the song "Something Beautiful" at 250 decibels seems to me to be a contradiction.
  • "I could be wrong, sir, but I'm pretty sure your five-year-old son will have enough issues losing his hearing to his own music."
  • And stop trying to hand the lead singer a box of Cap'n Crunch.
  • Oh good. Another joke about how they're Australian.
  • I don't know about you, but when I look at a platform that is raised ten feet in the air and is five feet in diameter while someone is frantically standing and drumming on it and say sarcastically to myself, "Oh yeah, that looks stable," I start to think that it's time to re-consider the gimmick.
  • "If your ears aren't ringing, then I want my money back!" Don't worry, dude, I think you accomplished it.

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