Ask Pluckytown
I am pleased to announce a new feature that we are introducing here at Pluckytown:
Cue 2001: A Space Oddysey musical theme...
Cue deep announcer voice...
Ask Pluckytown
Ok, so that was a tad bit anti-climatic, but it nevertheless is something that we are at least mildly excited about.
AP (which stands for Ask Pluckytown, if you haven't been paying attention) will be a feature where you, the reader, can submit questions or column ideas to the authors and contributors at Pluckytown.
It's simple. Just come up with a question, like:
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Who do you think will be the top five RBI producers at catcher in the National League Central?
What would have been the resulting changes in history if Archduke Franz Ferdinand had not been assassinated prior to World War I?
Do you have that $20 you owe me?
Any of those qualify for AP.
The second step towards successfully completing an AP query is to send the question that you have come up with to us via e-mail. The address you may use is Please use as the subject line: Ask Pluckytown. That's all we ask of's really not that much. the rest is up to you. Enjoy!
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