I'm Sorry, I was Terribly Wrong - NFC Predictions Review
After covering a mostly successful AFC predictions campaign, I shudder to think of how the NFC is going to turn out. I'm aware, off the top of my head, that I completely and utterly botched the North. That leaves three other divisions for me to screw up. This is going to be ugly, folks.
NFC East
My predicted order of finish: Giants, Cowboys, Redskins, Eagles
Actual order of finish: Eagles, Cowboys, Giants, Redskins
Um, yeah. Didn't see the Eagles coming. Got the Cowboys right. Completely missed on the Giants, who, by the way, were my Super Bowl team from the NFC. I called the East one of the toughest divisions in football, and the Redskins were unexpectedly bad. All in all, this is a miss.
Grade: D+, just because I got the Cowboys right.
NFC North
My predicted order of finish: Lions, Vikings, Bears, Packers
Actual order of finish: Bears, Packers, Vikings, Lions
One of these days I'm going to stop believing in the Lions, and I'm not even a fan. What should really be scaring Motor City Kitty fans right now is that the team is all set to take Brady Quinn with the 2nd overall pick, and he's a player I'm almost certain will be a flop in the NFL. Ugh. I hereby solemnly swear to never pick the Lions to finish anywhere but last in the North as long as Matt Millen is running the show in Detroit. The Vikings were unexpectedly good on defense, and horrid on offense. And the Bears...even though the Bears are the Super Bowl team from the NFC, and I completely missed on them, I would like to issue this disclaimer: it is a sad state of affairs when a team as fatally flawed as the Bears can make it to the Super Bowl, without even so much as a challenge. With that said, they'll probably blow the Colts out of the water. But the Bears don't even "feel" like a good team, much less a Super Bowl team. Finally, my hat goes off to the Packers, who were just a second late and a penny short on making the playoffs.
Grade: F
NFC South
My predicted order of finish: Bucs, Panthers, Falcons, Saints
Actual order of finish: Saints, Panthers, Falcons, Bucs
On the optimistic side, I got two right, and two wrong. Not bad. On the pessimistic side, I had first place and last place flip-flopped. Yuck. Didn't see the Saints coming; didn't think the Bucs would be that terrible.
Grade: D
Please, oh please, oh please let this next group be at least decent...
NFC West
My predicted order of finish: Seahawks, Rams, Cardinals, 49ers
Actual order of finish: Seahawks, Rams, 49ers, Cardinals
Yessssssss!!!!!!!!...it's average, and I'll take it! Seattle wasn't as good as I expected them to be, and they made the division a heated race until the very end, but they pulled it off. The Rams were basically exactly what I said they'd be, with the exception of Stephen Jackson being a lot better, as opposed to a little better. I missed on the order of the 49ers and Cardinals, but I don't think that's really a big deal.
Grade: C+
The NFC was a train wreck for me. I think that's a testament to the overall mediocrity of the conference, as well as me really not doing a good job researching this year.
Overall Grade: D-
Thanks for the recap, Gudy.
What is up with all you Bears haters out there? I just don't get it. Yes, I'm a fan, but why does everyone think they're so horrible? #1 special teams in the NFL, defense had the most takeaways, offense scored the second-highest most points, and Grossman? He's practically a rookie still! He was injured for almost all of his first two seasons, and now is finally starting. Payton Manning threw over 50 interceptions in his rookie season. I think Grossman's playing pretty darn well for it being his first starting season (granted, he's had some UGLY games, but he's rebounded often.)
Anyway, I won't mind if the Colts win, but I hope that the Bears knock 'em dead just to shut everybody up. :-)
I had a lengthly comment here, but I've turned it into a column...will be posted shortly.
Yeah, yeah, take the comment from the guy who really doesn't know football and rip it to shreds :-) I see where this is going :-)
Dude, if you can't stand the heat... ;-)
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