Thursday, October 19, 2006

Da Mihi Somnum

Once again, gentle reader, it is time for our weekly (or, with me at the helm, sometimes weekly) convivium. This week, I find myself in deep contemplation over the most fascinating effects of extreme sleep deprivation. I have come to know (in that intimate sense implied, for example, in the Authorized Version's use of the verb to know--that is, to come to know something on a deeply personal level through one's own experience of something) that one does not actually see everything that is present in the world around us unless one's senses have been enhanced by the natural processes of sleep deprivation. This is the case even with those things that directly affect our own selves. It is only as sleep deprivation truly begins to take hold that we begin to experience full reality. Allow me to explain, although Gilligan was an idiot.

I was forced (at gunpoint) last night to remain functioning far later into the night than has become customary for my ancient self, for I had tests to grade. I therefore didn't actually arrive home from my second round at the office until after 3:30 a.m. Now, in and of itself, this is not a particularly remarkable occurrence; however, this occurrence was not "in and of itself." It should have been. It could have been (at least on some ideal little world existing nowhere but in my mind). But it wasn't. As a matter of fact, after I got home last night, I had to (by which I mean "chose to") stay up until after 5:30 in the morning due to the fact that my youngest son decided it was a most smashingly marvelous night in which to lie awake all night long regaling the household and, indeed, the entire metropolitan area with the melodious rhythms of his piercing scream. I don't think I've ever heard such a broad octaval range reached by any one person since the days of Pavoratti. Oh, wait. Pavoratti is still around. Hey, maybe it's not all bad after all. Maybe I've got the next Pavoratti on my hands here. I could live with that (provided, of course, that my son remembered the horrifying nights endured by his loving parents with large cash settlements). As I was saying, my son decided 3:30 a.m. was the most perfectly suited time in which to exercise his young lungs. Since my wife deals with the little stinker all day, and since I generally sleep like the dead and so she deals with him all night, and (truth be told) since the night was pretty well shot anyway as I had to be getting up by about 5 a.m., I most generously offered to take him out of the bedroom so my wife could pretend to sleep. What a great guy. Sometimes I even amaze myself. Webster is like that, too.

Well, when I had been pacing with the little fire siren for about forty-five minutes, I believe I finally entered the state of genuine conscious awareness of all levels of reality (or at least of one extra level of reality). What prompted this little realization, you ask? At the very least, I'm sure that you now wish that you had thought to ask it. Kicking yourself now, aren't you? Anyway, what prompted this realization was the fact that for the first time in my life I saw Them. Well, They had to have at least been related to Them; maybe They were Him or Us, but at the least there was some connection there. I've seen my track record with statements like this, and I figure I'm about due for a hit one of these days, so I'll stick by my deduction. For the sake of convenience, and since no one in the office here has successfully managed (or even attempted...or even cared) to contradict my initial analysis, I will call them Little Green Devils. No, that's too long. I'll call them LGD (as in Mr. T). No, italicizing is too difficult. I'll call them simply "LGD." I wonder how many pseudo-grammarians are going to wade into this discussion in an effort to correct my punctuation and formatting. Probably none, considering I am slowly becoming more and more convinced that I am the only one foolish enough to actually stoop to reading my material. That's o.k., though. I'm not bitter. I'll just crawl back to my cry-hole for another round. Thanks a lot. Now I have to take a break. Maybe the A-Team can fill some space here.

Well, last night, as I was saying, I saw LGD for the first time, and man, were they uuuuuuggggggggglllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy. Squat little bodies, pointed green ears, sickeningly luminescent yellow saliva, long red fangs, hairy prickles in the oddest places, black eye whites and hot pink irises. You name it, and if it's ugly, they had it. Worst of all were the thick, cracked fingernails--long and sharp, too. Something like Lloyd Christmas's toenails in Dumb and Dumber. When LGD started pouring out of the walls (literally--they came out a liquid and then solidified on the floor) and streaming towards me and my son, who was still doing his best imitation of an infant banshee, I realized it was time to take matters into my own hands. Luckily, I always keep two swords strapped to my back. Equally luckily, my wife had just shaved my head that morning, so I looked sexy, too. Equally equally luckily, my son, who is after all nine months, like all babies of his age, is fully capable of holding onto a rapidly twirling, dodging, dipping, slashing, parrying, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, toilet cleaning maniac all by his little lonesome self. Oh, and he provided the John Williams soundtrack to the whole affair. Never have I moved so well or so fast. LGDs started losing limbs and heads left and right. They are vicious little devils (no pun intended) and put up a good fight...but not good enough for one who has earned the heron-marked blade. That was for you, Kamp. I grunted as only Monica Seles can. That helped. I know it did. At least it distracted them. In less than five seconds, I was sweating more than most people sweat in a year. The curse of being me, I guess. In less than five minutes, I had the LGD on the run. Good thing my family has me to protect them, I guess. I actually managed to escape the whole fight with only one small wound on my shin, delivered by the jagged fangs of one of the LGD, I'm sure. Or maybe it was when I cracked my shin on the end table. I forget, so I'll go with the more glorious story. Regardless, victory was mine. Barney Fife was always one of my favorites.

Just think: without sleep deprivation, this whole sinister world would have continued to go unnoticed. Maybe now the school will understand why I have to have swords strapped to my back. Maybe now I will begin to get some respect. Maybe now people will believe me when I talk about LGD. Maybe pigs will soon fly. Maybe I'll finally figure out how they became the Brady Bunch. Hey, it's possible.


Anonymous said...

With articles like that, I can't believe you guys don't have more readers . . . .

Anonymous said...

Do you guys believe in writing articles worth reading? Just curious.

Jeff Kamp said...

I had considered deleting these comments, but I left them in. However, I feel the need to respond: This article was hilarious. I laughed out loud. If you can't broaden your horizons enough to find something beyond "America's Funniest Home Videos" humorous, please accept my condolences.

Frederick III said...

First, thanks to Mr. Kamp for his most kind defense of my piece.

Now to the heart of the matter. The "criticisms" above would cut me to the quick--maybe even be taken to heart--but for the following four points.

1) Apparently, the whole of my article was not read. If it had been, I'm sure the worthy judges above would have noticed that I have already subjected my own writing to their very criticism. I indulge myself briefly as I quote my own words: "I am the only one foolish enough to actually stoop to reading my material." Apparently I was wrong. There are others equally foolish.

2) Somewhat related to the point just given is the fact that this website (as is indicated under the title of the site) is "dedicated to a few friends achieving their life-long dream: doing whatever they can to entertain themselves. Maybe you'll be entertained, too." I was immensely entertained in the writing of this article, and (while it may not gel with the opinions of my esteemed colleagues) that's all that matters to me in this. If the reader is entertained as well, great. If not, I don't really care. Additionally, the site warns the prospective reader that the writers very well may "pull something out of their butts at the last minute to meet the deadline." I freely admit that this article was of this variety.

3) As has already been noted by Mr. Kamp regarding some attacks on one of his earlier postings, the statements above do not actually criticize anything in my writing. They are indeed nothing more than opinions flapping in the breeze, completely without any supporting foundation upon which they can rest secure. One of the first lessons one learns in writing is that you must defend your position with a legitimate use of evidence. Blowing hot air does not qualify. If you care to criticize, fine, but at least criticize the piece under consideration rather than simply attempting to mask the fact that your position is indefensible by means of personal insult.

4) The Iowa Hawkeyes lost to a terrible Indiana football team. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Man, just wait til the purple ones come after you! Sure, their pudgy little smiling faces look jolly and their sport jackets and tall pointy hats would simply fly off the sales racks at the North Pole, but that SLURSHing sound they make when they squeeze up out of the sidewalk.....ugh. I'm not even gonna mention their jagged razor teeth and teleportation ability. Oops. Oh, well. Ya got nothing on me, ya beady-eyed gremlins! Get out, all of you!!

Thank you for your contribution. The world is now a better place.

Frederick III said...

P.S.--To my defensive point #4 above, I would now add that they also lost to Northwestern, the team that out-Michigan Stated Michigan State. Impressive? Probably not.